For this piece I collected cardboard boxes from local shops and constructed a cardboardbox replica of the exact scaled-down dimension of the church interior around the entrance. As close to exact, that is, as possible given the divers shapes and sizes of the cardboard boxes. One of the basic ideas of this piece was that the replica inside the church was made up of actual pieces of the church surroundings so the character of the building blocks should shape the whole rather than the demands of accuracy shape the blocks.
The replica having been completed one could only enter into this cardboard echo of the space, thus removing the church interior from the direct access of the visitor which abstracted it from it's normal use and made it more open to reflection in the loop of reference between original and model.
Reception in the congregation was mixed, esp. towards the "outside" facing the interior of the church. Here the order of scale imposed on the inside of the replica produced an irregular organic shape, opening an intriguing dialectical field. An artist talk during the week the show ran focused on the different layers of meaning and got a very open and interested response.